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Lean management

Lean work briefing August

Release time:2019-10-21 18:43:52      hit count:3105

Night rest on August 3, 2019 in the group training floor lecture hall on the second floor held a lean work regular meeting, the chairman, sun lawyer, three factory production, product development department, financial department, information development department, purchasing department, sales department, warehouse and assistant managers and above, head of the key project team members and other departments to develop a target to attend the meeting. First of all, the team reported in July for the lean production and lean management of the department work, secondly the workshop managers report to the regional lean manufacturing job in July, then each department head for project team, workshop management report mentioned in the problem solving measures and report the work in July and August work plan; Finally, the chairman and lawyer sun made a summary speech to the meeting.

Remarks by lawyer sun:

First, today there are still a few PPT content produced by the department of the lean meeting report did not meet the requirements, especially the purchasing department, purchasing department should report content includes: the factory purchase the total amount of goods, unit price, quality, cost, delivery date, the purchase of completion, the market, must have the relevant comparison and analysis, and gives the guidance idea, to the supplier's information, information management, rating, procurement contract of custody, file finishing and practices in the contract, combined with site management aspects. In each report, the project team will summarize and analyze the excellent cases and failure cases found in the daily inspection of each factory area. In the good places, we can learn, and in the bad places, we need to know how to avoid and prevent. In addition, after the sales department report time for 5 minutes, to learn to summarize. In the report of all departments, the textile factory should do better than other departments whether in the production of PPT content or the effect of on-site report. What we should pay attention to and pay attention to in our lean production management work can be reflected from the content of the report. We hope that we can learn from good departments, communicate with each other and improve together.

Second, as for the declaration of innovation points, I repeatedly stressed that we should not only focus on "points", but also focus on "surface" innovation, including methods, systems, processes, processes, ideas and so on. We should explore and innovate in the development of new products, and should not be confined to narrow ideas. In addition, all managers should pay close attention to the production efficiency, production cost, production status, waste and so on in the work arrangement and daily inspection, and work around these data. The ultimate purpose of the company's lean production management is to improve the quality and efficiency of production, reduce waste and reduce costs. Especially when the relevant data is far away from the company's relevant indicators, you must carefully analyze and immediately organize key problems. Only in this way can you do a good job. All the daily management work should start from details, work site, sense of responsibility, good work habits, if not, then is not a qualified manager, we must learn to start from details, learn from experience, will grow.

Thirdly, the participants should learn to take the initiative to care, learn, participate and take the initiative. Take the initiative to care about the work, performance and relevant data of the department, actively participate in the management and innovation work, take the initiative to undertake and participate in the daily inspection, organize the training and learning work, practice makes real knowledge, all the experience, skills and methods come from practice.

Fourthly, in view of various machine materials, spare parts, related public materials and supporting facilities purchased by the purchasing department, it must take the initiative to communicate with the using department and connect with the relevant prices. All prices must be approved by the using department before the purchase, otherwise the relevant using department has the right to reject or complain to the company. The relevant use department, especially the production department should take the initiative to communicate, cooperate and supervise the purchasing department. In addition, the factory facilities renovation and maintenance operations, can be solved within the outsourcing, must not be allowed if there are special circumstances, must report to the relevant solutions, price I here for examination and approval, after I approved, settlement is allowed according to the approved price I go, otherwise all the charges will be borne by your own department.

, jiangsu province education television station in the afternoon to 9 to 5 companies making feature films, do a special program for 'g, when going to polymerization, a new spinning, plus play shop, you go back to the site management, earnestly to ensure that the overall effect is better when shooting, all employees wear, labor insurance supplies to equipped with in place, all to complete before 9 in the morning, the personnel department is responsible for the supervision and inspection.

Important instructions of the chairman:

To emphasize that we drove a lean work meeting today, nearly a decade, we must think and bear in mind that what is lean production management work, hope everyone here must understand company lean meeting where the meaning of the work, don't do it for the meeting and the meeting, not to the meeting in order to cope with.

Recently, all indicators in the factory have been declining, and this situation is absolutely not allowed to continue. I hope that every manager present today can understand their responsibilities, and you must assume this responsibility and solve the problems immediately if you find them.

As for the high cost of external procurement, you should carefully check how much the price is too high. The personnel administration department and the financial department should intervene to check and find out the reason for the high cost, and know how to prevent the recurrence of these problems in the future. Now that the problems in the work have been raised, we must trace them to the bottom and negotiate with the supplier to propose relevant compensation measures, or we will stop cooperation.

The report and evaluation results of lean production regular meeting are as follows:

(1) zhang yan, deputy manager of the first stage production department of textile, won the first prize in the field report score and was awarded 200 yuan;

(2) zhu huirong, manager of the south purchasing department, will be penalized 100 yuan for ranking the last in on-site report.

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